Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Skin care during pregnancy

Skincare During Pregnancy: Safety Tips for Skin Care and Beauty offers seven safety tips for skin and beauty during pregnancy.

Sacramento, CA (PRWEB) February 27, 2008 -- Every mom-to-be knows how important overall health is during pregnancy, and most women pay a lot of attention to staples like diet and exercise. However, skin care is something that many women neglect.'s latest article, "Pregnancy and Your Skin: Tips for Beauty and Safety!" highlights the most important safety concerns to keep in mind during pregnancy.

1. Easy on the essential oils. Essential oils are a relaxing addition to many day spa and at-home treatments, but for pregnant women, some essential oils are harmful. Stay away from the following common essential oils (this list isn't exhaustive): Angelica, Aniseed, Cedarwood, Chamomile (German and Roman), Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Ginger, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Myrrh, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sweet Fennel, Sage and Wormwood.

Essential oils, however, are known for their soothing and calming benefits. Some oils can relieve nausea, ease muscle pain and even induce labor. Midwives, for instance, use essential oils like jasmine and clary sage to induce contractions. The key is to dilute the oils, because essential oils are very concentrated. So if a recipe calls for 10 drops, cut it in half to five. Pregnant women should always talk to a doctor before using any essential oil.

2. Chemical exfoliants, out! Retinoids, a form of vitamin A, are effective exfoliators, in addition to their other jobs in treating acne, boosting collagen and being a wrinkle-reducing wonder. But for pregnant women, these products are a no-no! Research has suggested that high doses of vitamin A are harmful to the baby.

Also avoid using salicylic acid, a BHA or beta-hydroxy acid that is very effective in treating acne. Commonly used in exfoliators and antiaging creams, cleansers and toners, salicylic acid is part of the aspirin family. Because taking aspirin has been linked to various complications during pregnancy, it's recommended that moms-to-be stay away from using salicylic acid topically too.

3. Better shave than sorry (and maybe wax). Dermatologist Dr. Diane Berson tells that it's better to shave during pregnancy, and avoid cream hair removers -- also known as depilatories -- because the chemicals sink into the skin. And while waxing is safe for some women, keep in mind that the skin will be more sensitive during pregnancy.

4. Sunscreen: Don't leave home without it. Aside from the ever-present danger of sunburn and skin cancer, the hormonal changes of pregnancy can cause melasma or pregnancy mask, a darkening of the skin around the nose, eyes and forehead. UV exposure worsens melasma.

5. Choose simplicity for a skin care routine. Pregnant women should use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer during pregnancy, and keep the body hydrated all day.

6. Get that glow with the basics. During pregnancy, some women tend to skip makeup altogether or go overboard and look too made-up. Renowned celebrity makeup artist Bobbi Brown tells the easy, pretty essentials every pregnant woman should have in her makeup bag: concealer, yellow-toned foundation, pink blush and her favorite lipstick.

7. When in doubt, seek a doctor out! If unsure about a product or specific ingredient, always consult with a dermatologist or obstetrician. Many times physicians are overly cautious and conservative about makeup and skin care products, but as the saying goes, "it's better safe than sorry."

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