Every woman wants to know! Well, you can stop wondering, because we have the answers for you. Men have confessed of what they mostly believe is sexy in a woman. Here are the most popular comments:
Whether you like or not, the truth is, men are first attracted to a woman who is In Shape. They like to able to see a woman’s true figure, as well as toned and healthy. A woman who takes good care of herself gives the impression that she is confident, responsible and stable…which are qualities all men admire. Nice Lips is another thing men consider sexy in a woman. A woman with nice lips makes a man wonder and fantasize about how it tastes and how good of a kisser you are! Find a lipstick that flatters your skin tone and lip line your lips, especially if you do not have full ones naturally. For a sexier touch, roll a little gloss over your lipstick, for a wet sexy woman and juicy effect.
To most men, the sexiest women are those who have Medium/Long soft hair. Medium and long hair really represents womanhood, for women are the ones known to have the long, soft and sweet smelling hair! Find a shampoo and conditioner that have the best smelling scent and ones that provide you with the best moisturizing results. You can also add more health to it by getting a product that adds body, shine and extra moisture to apply on after your shower, before or after you style. If you have short hair, do not worry! Just be sure to keep the volume in it and keep it soft and shiny.
When you go out with your soft hair, be sure to put on that Sparkling smile! Smiling is one of the biggest people magnets you can ever use! Everyone is attracted to cheerfulness and sureness, so be sure of yourself and let the world know it…you will be surprised of just how many people respond to your smiling. Funny is one essential quality you must remember. Men just love it when a woman can laugh at their jokes, make their own tasteful jokes and being able to laugh at themselves. Get in touch with yourself and discover what makes you laugh and what funny memories you have regarding yourself, so that you may bring it up the next time you are on a date, or meet someone interesting. While you are out there laughing at jokes and making some yourself, also remember to have something intellectual to discuss, because Intelligence is considered very attractive. Bring something up you heard on the news, or bring up any subject that you think can get a conversation going, such as school and the experiences you had there.
Being Independent makes a woman sexy to a man. Men like to know that the woman they are interested in can take care of herself, has a good head on her shoulders and knows what she wants. If you do feel insecure about something, try not to advertise it in front of people. Keep your head up high, with a pretty smile, and then work on your insecurity when you get home or seek expert advice. When you and that certain someone enter your intimate stage, always remember that it is important to carry Sexy underwear beneath your clothing! This may sound like something you already know, but women tend to get lazy with it over time. If you want to keep him hooked, entertain with something sexy every time you take your clothes off!

Putting all that sexual and seducing stuff aside, men also long for a woman who is Caring. This may sound funny, but men are looking for a hot, irresistible woman, with a motherly personality. They want a woman who will nourish them and take care of them emotionally, just as we expect them to do for us. So always listen to him when he expresses himself and do your best to show that you care.
Last but not least, believe it or not, it is still important for a woman to be a good cook! There is nothing better for a man than coming home to a fresh, hot and home made dish on the table. They really admire the effort and time a woman puts into preparing a meal and they feel special and rewarded after a long day. If you need ideas for what meals to cook, you can get them at our Romantic Recipes Page! So try discovering your seductive self by keeping these ideas in and putting them to use. You will soon realize you had the seductive goddess in you all this time. After all, every woman has one!
1 comment:
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