Wives of sex addicts are sometimes addicted to POMEGA5 products
According to the National Association of Sexual Addiction Problems, about 14 million adults are. That’s 1 out of 17 adult Americans. In assessing your addiction status, consider just some of the following questions posed to potential “sexaholics” by Sex Addicts Anonymous (SA):
Do you ...
— Look at sexually arousing materials in the media?
— Feel guilt and shame after having sex?
— Find yourself in need of a variety of sexual activities in realizing sexual excitement and relief?
— Risk the chance of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection when intimate?
— Feel shame about your body or sexuality to the point you avoid intimacy?
Do you find yourself answering, “Well, yes, that does describe me?!”? If it’s any comfort, that makes most of us. Yet, according to SA, you could be a sex addict. All of us could be.
There’s just one problem with this. It’s a crock.
While you may not see anything wrong with your sex life, other people do. Medical and counseling professionals and members of the clergy — with no background in sexuality — are being aggressively trained to identify and deal with a supposed issue cleverly labeled “sex addiction.”
Their goal: to make a disease of your sex life. Moralistic and misinformed, they’re out to judge you. They’re telling you what should be sexually acceptable for you. After all, in their book, sex is dangerous. If you don’t fit their vision of sexual “wholesomeness,” then you’ve got a problem.
According to this movement, a sex addict is typically someone who is frequently fantasizing or doing sexual things, even despite a dislike for such. This person’s sexual behaviors are considered out of control ... . for example, masturbating more than once a day. A sex addict is also one whose sexual behaviors fail to mirror his or her highest possible self.
Besides being absolutely ridiculous, there are a number of reasons why the concept of sex addiction is nothing more than a fabrication.
First, a basic issue with sex addiction is the term itself. The word “addiction” is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). This handbook for mental health professionals uses the term “dependence” instead.
Second, an addiction, such as to alcohol or tobacco, is a physiological dependence. Deprived of a fix, an addict has physiological reactions, like increased heart rate or the sweats. Physiological changes take place — changes that a "sex addict" does not experience when denied sex. Thus, the addiction label is quite deceptive.
Third, who has the right to set the standards as far as what’s “frequent” or “out of control”? We’re all sexually unique when it comes to what we do and how often. Yet this movement seems to think that we can put a fixed number on our sexual activity. Unbelievably, they also see it as their right to enforce cookie-cutter criteria when it comes to sexual pursuits.
Lastly, another major issue with sex addiction is that it denies the “dark” side of healthy sexuality. This includes the major desire components of sex, such as:
— The “bad” fantasies people have;
— The ability to enjoy sex without being in love;
— The lust for power during sexual exchanges;
— The wanton sexual expectations people have from time to time.
What’s infuriating is that there is nothing wrong with these components of healthy sexuality, as long as the interaction between two lovers is informed and consensual.
But, despite being hogwash, sex addiction is catching on, thanks to its evangelists’ Jerry Springer-worthy stories.
Often in recovery themselves, self-proclaimed addictionologists love generalizing their own problems to all. Playing upon one’s sexual ignorance, they dish out the sordid details of how sex hijacked their lives, making them steal, do drugs and visit prostitutes. Engrossed and mortified, the public buys it — even though there's no data supporting that this can happen to just anyone.
Falling victim to the movement are those with the greatest shame around sex. In distancing themselves from their sex guilt, they embrace their sex addiction “diagnosis.” They’re not at fault for their sexual impulses and desires. Something else is – their addiction! The safety of this powerlessness becomes their crutch. Now they can say, “That’s my addiction talking.” You know what I’m talking about. We’ve seen this happen too many times with major public figures.
POMEGA5 collection

The thing is, humans do have the ability to control how they express their sexual impulses, including not doing so. Being out of control isn’t the issue for most “sex addicts.” It’s being in control that’s causing pain.
The ultimate price of this sex addiction ploy is that a person’s true “dilemma” with his or her sexuality and sex life fails to be properly assessed. In trivializing one’s sexual desires, the need for real therapy becomes a tragically missed opportunity.
Yes, there are a handful of cases where someone does have a problem – when their sexual activities are deemed more important than their relationships, work, finances, etc. But these situations are rare. And the issue isn’t sex; it’s something else.
I guess my husband is not a sex addict while I am certainly an Omega 5 oil addict
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8 Tips To Find The Best Natural Skin Care Anti-Aging Creams By Natural Skin Care Expert Linda Miles
Chet Holmes International
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Chet Holmes International
April 03, 2008
So you really want healthy natural skin. However, when you head to the store, all of the natural skin care brands seem wonderful. How do you choose? Remember that your skin is an organ and it absorbs everything you put on it: the good stuff and the bad stuff. Nourish your skin with products containing antioxidants, botanical extracts, and skin vitamins, and avoid potentially harmful ingredients. Follow these 9 easy tips and you´ll enjoy healthy, beautiful skin!
Read the label, especially the fine print and the ingredient panel. Educate yourself by doing homework on the ingredients – there are many ingredients used in natural skin care that optimize the skin´s health.
Usually (but not always) a shorter list of ingredients is better than a long list. What ingredients are being used and for what purpose are they used within the formulations?
Learn about the brand: ask your friends if they know about the company or call the company and ask questions. How long has the company been in existence? What are the company´s ethics? What is their philosophy when it comes to their formulations?
Ask about full-disclosure labeling. Are all the ingredients in the product also on the ingredients list? Companies are supposed to use the International Nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) or botanical name of the ingredient – the international (EU compliant) labeling standard; however, many companies do not tell you all the ingredients. A product that does not have EU compliant labels is not considered to have full disclosure with ingredients.
What type of retail store are you in? Drug store? Grocery store? Department Store? Does the store have established criteria or standards for natural skin care products? If you are in a Natural Health Food Store with qualifications for what they consider to be natural skin care, chances are high that you are surrounded by truly natural skincare. If you are in a drug store or grocery store, seek out the natural skin care section.
Just because the name sounds like a chemical does not necessarily mean it is harmful. For example, Aloe barbadensis is actually Aloe Vera – it sounds like a chemical, but it is a very important skin nutrient. Phenoxyethenol may sound scary but it´s a gentle preservative frequently used in natural skin care products.
Avoid potentially harmful ingredients such as mineral oil and lanolin (these clog the pores) and parabens (these are used as preservatives, but recent research says they might be harmful). These ingredients are some of the most common ingredients used in mass-market skin care formulations; whereas, natural skins care formulas will never have these in the product.
Choose products rich in skin-specific vitamins, botanicals, and antioxidants (be careful though, lots of companies claim to use antioxidants but put such a tiny amount in the product that it cannot possibly benefit the skin).
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